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Tutor  |  Babysitter Help

8 StepProcess For Tutor | Babysitter Signup

**The signup process takes about 30 minutes from start to finish.  Because of our strict safety standards we conduct a thorough screening process for a safe environment for all of our users

Click on an image to enlarge the image


Sign Up for TeachSitter by entering your information

TeachSitter Account Creation Step A
TeachSitter Account Creation Step B


Look for an email and confirm your email

TeachSitter Email Comfirmation Step A
TeachSitter Email Comfirmation Step B


Next you will see that your email is now confirmed and you will see various listings by other tutors and babysitters

TeachSitter Email Comfirmation Step C


Next, look for a "Welcome to TeachSitter" email that will have links to this help page for these steps and the videos shown below

TeachSitter Welcome Email.jpg


After your welcome email, you will receive a an email from Shareable For Hires.  Press, "Accept Request".

**All Background Checks are completely free

Background Check-Shareable Email


These are the 5 parts of the background check process from Shareable For Hires

Background Check-Shareable Step 1
Background Check-Shareable Step 2
Background Check-Shareable Step 3
Background Check-Shareable Step 4
Background Check-Shareable Step 5


After you have been approved for your background check, you will recieve a TeachSitter email that will give you a quick guide on how to setup your Profile, Listings, & Payment

TeachSitter Greeting Email


Redeem Your Dunkin' Gift Card!

TeachSitter Dunkin' Gift Card

Watch Our Help Videos

1    |   Sign Up Overview

This video explains the entire 4 step sign up process for Tutors & Babysitters.

2    |   Background Check Process

Watch this video to go through the background check process

3    |   Setting Up Your Profile

This video show how to setup your TeachSitter Profile to enable you to create listings

4    |   Setting Up Your Stripe Account To Get Paid

This video shows how to setup your payment settings to allow you to get paid by your customers

5    |   Setting Up Your Listings

The listing video explains how you can create a listing or listings to advertise your offering

6    |   Claim Your Dunkin' Gift Card

See this explanation on how to redeem your gift card after you have completed the sign up process

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